A refinery requested to do on-site wastewater treatment for a 2,000,000 gallon tank. The tank contained hydrostatic test water with high level oil, grease and dissolved sulfides. Concentrations were generalized with old water analysis. Envent had to engineer a water treatment solution and adjust accordingly to findings during the field treatment.
Envent quickly responded with a high performance air floatation unit, EAFU-01, to efficiently remove the contaminations. The EAFU-01 was capable of producing pollutant-free water at a rate of 75 gallons per minute and utilized a chemical coagulant to treat the oil and grease. Additionally, sodium hypochlorite was used to treat for the dissolved sulfides with additional polishing filtration. The treated water was sampled and analyzed by the refinery and was determined to meet the discharge requirement.
After confirming that the processed water was within the required specification, the water was discharged to the designated area. A total savings of $170,000 was estimated when compared to the transportation and off-site treatment costs.
Savings of $170,000 was estimated when compared to the transportation and off-site treatment costs.