West Coast Refinery, Vapor Control on Arabian Crude Tank

West Coast Refinery, Vapor Control on Arabian Crude Tank

Portfolio Categories: Vapor Control and Vapor Scrubbing.

A refinery company on the West Coast needed to de-inventory a tank of Arabian Crude with unexpectedly high hydrogen sulfide levels. After receiving multiple odor complaints from within the refinery and one odor complaint from the public, the client knew they needed to resolve the issue immediately. Depending on the conditions of the hazardous release, the AQMD (Air Quality Management District) has daily fines ranging from $1000 to $1,000,000.
To control the hydrogen sulfide vapors during the de-inventorying process, Envent deployed two ESCRUB-1000’s (Envent Scrubber) in series: 1000 SCFM recirculating scrubbers. Following the two ESCRUB-1000’s in series, the EMTOS-3500 (Envent Mobile Thermal Oxidation System) destroyed the other off-gas constituents.
Due to Envent’s immediate mobilization for the project, the client saved at least $100,000.

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