Safety is no accident – it takes dedication, commitment, and a lot of hard work.
Our safety record is no accident. Safety is the yardstick by which we measure everything we do. For over 30 years, we have designed our entire strategy, process, and culture around safety first—with zero-tolerance enforcement.
Because we truly believe every accident is preventable, we do everything possible to prevent personal injury, property damage, and environmental degradation—regardless of the scale and complexity of your project. This reduces your risk and lowers your operating costs.
We dedicate considerable resources equipping our employees with the necessary tools and training to perform every task safely. And we operate in strict compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal rules, laws and regulations. It’s no accident we have achieved such an elite safety record in the industry – because it is the foundation of everything we do.
Second only to safety, we deliver 100% compliance on every single project guaranteed.
ENVENT makes it easier and faster to keep track of accurate, detailed compliance records. All project compliance is available online through the secure ENFORCE cloud-based portal. We have invested millions of dollars to develop the ENFORCE tool—all to better serve customers like you.
ENFORCE enables customized compliance reports—including a comprehensive degassing log, PID/FID calibration records, required source testing reports—whatever data you specify, configured to meet your specific needs.
ENFORCE also enables real-time progress reports of customized data and billing information via secure SMS text or email. All compliance data and reports are posted within 72 hours of job completion.
Read more about our ENFORCE program here.
Envent is a specialty provider of specific environmental services.
We have deep knowledge and experience of all aspects of petrochemical degassing and vapor control, refinery turnaround, and mobile water treatment. This is all we do and we do it more efficiently, more cost-effectively, and safer than anyone else.
We hire seasoned professionals, vet them thoroughly, mentor them rigorously, and train them comprehensively—capped off by our industry-leading Envent University program. Nobody is allowed to operate our systems until they have at least 6 months training under their belt.
For the services we provide, we have the largest fleet and best equipment in the business. Because we are so focused on a specific set of mission-critical services, our people are constantly innovating new and better ways to solve key problems.
Why would you ever want to risk your business on generalist service providers who will end up costing you so much more in the end?
Engineering + Invention = Envention
Envent’s mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineers are always innovating—always looking for ways to solve problems, improve project workflows, and add value for our customers.
We design, engineer, build, and maintain all our own equipment in-house. With innovative thermal oxidizer technology and the best engineered safety systems and processes—specifically designed for safe pipe, tank, and vessel degassing—the quality and ingenuity of our work is second to none.
We customize project plans and equipment specifications for each individual project. Our process hazard analysis methodology is the most rigorous in the industry. Our ENFORCE digital job tracking system—designed to streamline every aspect of the project management process—is an industry-first.
Our “enventive” technologies & systems are specifically designed to save you time, money, and stress.
We’re the most experienced firm in the industry.
Envent has patiently built the most experienced team of operators in the industry. We have the longest average tenure—almost 10 years. We have the most rigorous education and training program, centered on Envent University.
Every project—no matter how straightforward—is fully supported by a team of mechanical and chemical engineers. You get a crack team of enventers, every single time. And because we’re so focused on a specific set of services, we have deep, collective experience in every aspect of petrochemical degassing and vapor control, refinery turnaround, and mobile water treatment.
We’ve truly seen it all, and we bring that wealth of experience to your operation.
Everything we do is geared towards you—your safety, your satisfaction, and your success.
Envent Corporation is extremely proud of our safety record, our compliance track record, our technical innovation (envention), and our dedicated team of professionals. However, we are even prouder of our guiding principle to always focus on you—our customer.
We want to know your plant operations as well as we know our operation. We want to understand your objectives and expectations for every project, so we can deliver exactly what you need.
Because our employees have the longest tenure in the industry, they understand your world and are able to apply their knowledge and experience with best practices to guarantee the success of your project.
And although our unmatched safety record is good for Envent, it’s also very good for you—protecting your personnel and plant; reducing your financial risk exposure; and reducing the overall cost of your projects.
If you have read this far, you already know you have come to the right place. Contact us today and let one of our sales executives help engineer the safest operational service plan for your business.