Envent Success Story – No. 949 – March 2015
Envent was called to provide vapor control at a Port Arthur Refinery that required manned entry to remove valuable product from a tank. The facility had two other contractors attempt a solution before calling in Envent. The goal of this project was to bring the LEL down to a level that permitted the entry while also holding a constant vacuum on the tank as to not allow vapor to escape. Along with meeting all API, TCEQ, PSM and the refineries in-house safety and technical requirements, Envent’s engineering team worked long and hard to devise a system that would hold the vacuum to allow manned entry. A few weeks into the project a curve ball was thrown in the form of another high vacuum vapor control system on the same tank. This time the customer needed a high vacuum solution to scrub vapors during the removal of the product from the tank, all while the first system was still in operation. Envent would have two systems working simultaneously. For this portion of the project, Envent’s engineers called into play their high-vacuum scrubbers, the Envent BD-6000 (www.vapor-scrubbers.com). It was an seamless solution that allowed the customer to finish the project safely and cost effectively.