Seattle, Washington, Butane Tank Degassing

Seattle, Washington, Butane Tank Degassing

Portfolio Categories: All and Degassing.

A terminal located on the Northwest had to meet their deadline inspection on a large, 350,000 BBL Butane storage tank. In addition to taking the tank out of service they had a narrow window to complete the degas, turnaround work and return the tank back to service. Regulatory permit support was also needed to obtain the mandatory permit.

Due to the size of the tank and location within the site, careful planning and HAZOP considerations were discussed among our project engineers, the site representatives and other contractors. The tank was safely degassed under an inert atmosphere with nitrogen up to 4000 CFM. Two EMECS 42 MMBTU/hr thermal oxidizers were utilized to meet the customer schedule which could have taken 100 times longer with other units. Envent’s constant coordination between the control room and our nitrogen contractor resulted in a safe and regulatory compliant degas. Per environmental regulations, and the local air boards site inspection, the tank was certified degassed.

Envent’s vapor control solution and project management support aided the customer in executing the project in a timely manner. This allowed the customer to continue with their turnaround efforts safely with zero incidents. Millions of dollars were at stake by taking a vital tank out of service and Envent project engineers onsite, every effort possible was made to keep the project on schedule.

Project: Butane Tank Location: Washington Product: Butane

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