A customer was in need of a soil vapor extraction system for a project located within 2,000′ of a public school for a three month pilot project duration. The system was needed to scrub the following VOCs: BTEX, TCE and PCE. Upon successful completion of the pilot project, our customer could then determine the need for a permanent system. Given the close proximity of sensitive receptors (children), the customer had to be assured our system would perform.
Given Envent’s experience in Soil Vapor Extraction and already having a portable various locations air permit on-hand, we had the solution on the shelf ready to go. A fully self-contained SVE scrubber trailer was dispatched to the job site. This one trailer had everything needed to pull vapors from below ground, pass through lead/lag carbon vessels and vent to atmosphere through a 14′ vent stack. A chart recorder logged VOC concentration, and daily monitoring samples were drawn from sample ports at the inlet, midpoint and outlet of the scrubber. An on-board blower was throttled to provide the best flow rate, and power was provided by an electrical tie-in to existing job power pole.
The benefit to the customer was the ability to test the equipment sizing and flow capabilities prior to spending capital on an unproven system. Envent’s system gave the customer the confidence they needed to move forward with the construction phase of their project. This project complied 100% with local regulations and the regional air permit. All emissions data logged during the project was presented to the customer in a project closure report.