Deer Park Refinery, Complete Turnaround Solution

Deer Park Refinery, Complete Turnaround Solution

Portfolio Categories: All, Case Studies, and Turnaround Services.

A refinery conducted a turnaround on a Hydrocracker unit in the Deer Park area, and they required a complete turnaround solution.  Having worked with Envent before, the customer knew that we could solve all of their needs. We first needed to depressure the Hydrocracker unit, initially comprised of nearly pure Hydrogen, and then perform multiple nitrogen sweeps. Simultaneously, Envent provided vapor control for temporary frac tanks used to store chemical wash water. Finally, we were able to decontaminate the chemical wash water once the decommissioning was complete.

The engineers at Envent developed three separate systems, including the use of the Envent Turnaround Safety Skid, to surpass the customer’s requests.  The Turnaround Safety Skid, equipped with redundant high pressure regulators and shutdown systems for both the process stream and the supplemental fuel stream, along with the EMECS 70 and two EMECS 42s, safely depressured the unit. An exchanger and receiver were used in conjunction with the EVAC 1000 to control the vapors from the temporary frac tanks. Lastly, liquid phase carbon scrubbing vessels were available to process the contaminated chemical wash water. Three separate systems, working together, to provide a total, engineered solution.

Envent provided all of the equipment, technicians, and engineers to complete the job safely and ahead of schedule. In fact, this was the fastest the Hydrocracker had ever been decommissioned in the history of the facility – a full day ahead of schedule. The Envent engineering team supported all phases of the design and implementation process, including all PHA, HAZOP, and MOC processes leading up to the turnaround, working in tandem with the customer.

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