Soil Vapor Extraction and Remediation Specialist
Envent Corporation supports remediation contractors, geotechnical consultants and vapor barrier engineers in the installation, deployment and monitoring of soil vapor extraction systems and vapor intrusion mitigation units. We are a fast acting emergency response contractor available for 24/7 response. Whether the need is commercial, industrial or residential Envent can help. Call or email us today, and let our engineers and technicians help you solve your vapor intrusion or vapor extraction problem.
Soil Vapor Extraction
Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is the process of removing contaminated vapors from deep within the ground’s unsaturated zone via vacuum pressure. SVE involves drilling extraction wells into VOC contaminated soil above the water table. Envent’s SVE remediation service uses vacuum blowers and vapor extraction wells to induce gas flow through the subsurface. In some cases when compounds have low volatility, the soil must be heated to increase the effectiveness of VOC removal by raising pressure in the contaminants. By using a vacuum on vadose zone wells, contaminated vapor is collected from the soil. The vapors are subsequently treated or destroyed aboveground to prevent pollutants from entering the atmosphere. Soil vapor extraction is used as a stand alone remedy when VOCs are only impacting unsaturated soils.
Envent fabricates, installs, rents and operates soil vapor extraction units capable of treating up to 2000 CFM. We use primarily activated carbon, liquid scrubbers and thermal oxidation technologies in the extraction and destruction of vapors. Envent specializes in the remediation of VOCs, PCE, TCE, Benzene and other Hazardous Air Pollutants found underground.

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems
Vapor intrusion is the movement of VOCs from the soil and groundwater to indoor air above the contaminated site. Envent offers installation of vapor intrusion mitigation systems to reduce health risks in buildings located above contaminated soil and groundwater. This reduces the risk of chemical vapors entering the building and being inhaled by indoor occupants. Vapor intrusion mitigation systems can be installed either where vapor intrusion is already a problem or where VOCs may intrude in the future.
Vapor intrusion occurs in buildings that are located above vapor forming chemicals in a subsurface source. There has been an increased awareness of vapor intrusion mitigation needs after the finding that anthropogenic chemicals in soil, groundwater and sewers pose a threat to indoor air quality through vapor intrusion. Depending on the VOCs present, vapor intrusion may cause serious safety hazards and need immediate response.
Know When to Call
Contact Envent if any of the following vapor forming chemicals are present in you building’s subsurface:
- VOCs such as PCE, TCE and benzene
- Select semivolatile organic compounds, such as naphthalene
- Elemental mercury
- Polychlorinated biphenyls and pesticides
- Hydrogen sulfide
Envent works with environmental consultants, geotechnical engineering firms, vapor intrusion experts, engineers and scientists to design and fabricate the system that best fits the needs of your site. This is dependent upon the site parameters, contamination levels and remediation objectives. Envent’s in-house engineers will work with your team to ensure a cost-effective solution is developed. In many cases, our skid and trailer mounted units are ready to deploy within hours. We will work with you to acquire the permit you need, and in some cases our system is area pre-permitted with various locations permits.